Client Building Journey: Aquilla & Angelo

Jaimi Tarbotton Episode 40

In this episode, your host Jaimi sits down with Aquilla & Angelo who have recently picked up their keys and finished the building journey. 

Tune into the episode to listen to the story & perspective of another first-home buyer building their own home.

🏡 Aquilla & Angelo’s building journey
🏡 Decision between established & building
🏡 What led Aquilla & Angelo to work with a building broker over going with a builder directly
🏡 Highlights & key milestones
🏡 Challenges during the building journey
🏡 Design & customisation choices
🏡 Things they learned over the building journey
🏡 Value of having a building broker
🏡 Advice for other first-home buyers considering building


📍This podcast is for buyers building a new home in Perth Western Australia.

The information shared on HOME BUILDING LIKE A BOSS is general in nature and does not take into consideration your individual circumstances, it is not intended to be specific advice. This podcast exists purely for education purposes and should not be relied upon to make financial or building decisions. Tania Mondon is an authorised representative of Oui Finance Pty Ltd ABN: 48 655 648 098. Corporate Credit Representative Number 529363 is authorised under Australian Credit Licence Number 389328. Tania Mondon is also an MFAA member.

Jaimi: Welcome to Home Building Like a Boss, the podcast dedicated to helping first home buyers in Perth build their dream home with ease and excitement. I'm Jamie, your host and go to building broker. Are you ready to feel empowered, in control and excited about your building journey? I'll help guide you with expert advice, insider tips and tricks and real life stories to help you navigate the confusing world of home building.

Let's go. Tune in as I take you on the journey to building your home, like a boss. 

Aquilla: Hello,

Jaimi: and welcome back to another episode of the podcast this week. I have Aquila here with me, Aquila and Angelo. We're missing Angelo. He's think he's at a box at the moment down South. Our clients with me, they've recently just picked up the keys to their beautiful brand new home. So we're going to have a bit of a chat about their whole journey, pre construction and construction and what it's been like.

Kind of living in the home. They haven't really moved in yet, but they're doing bits and pieces So thank you for joining me today aquila. Thank you for having me It's all right. Well, tell me a little bit about you and angelo and how you guys started your building journey Yeah, 

Aquilla: so basically, you know We were looking at the market and this was kind of after you know All those grants were going out and everyone were locking up land and you know starting their house journey We were on the you know, the verge of Whether we wanted to buy established or whether we wanted to build, I always had building in my heart because you get what you want.

Whereas when you buy established, you always have to renovate, you always have to worry about all those things. You never get exactly what you want. So we were always stuck on that. And then, you know, looking at houses and you'd find them overpriced or, you know, cheaply renovated. So it didn't really fit.

You had a very clear vision, too. Yeah, yeah. Very clear. And yeah, it just kind of worked out for both of us because, you know, you've got a timeline. You've got time, you know, to build up all the stuff you need to get in your house, your furniture. So it just really worked for us when it came down to it. And then one day I was looking around for land all around Beldavis and I was looking at house plans that were attached to house and land packages and that's when I came across Jamie.

Old brokerage was, you know, on there and I had contacted her and I was like, Hey, like, what was this about? I had no idea what building broking was. Yeah. Builder brokers, builder broking, had no idea. And I was like, okay, this is interesting. I was like, you know, researched it a bit. And I found out that actually it is what we needed.

We weren't quite sure about the process and we didn't want to, you know, be one of those other stories that people have complicated builds with. The horror stories. Yeah, the horror stories. So. So that's when I got in touch with Jamie and we, wouldn't we say we started that process was the start of 2022 pretty 

Jaimi: much.

Yeah. End of 2021 started 2022 somewhere. 

Aquilla: Yeah. So that's when we reached out, got our finance health check, you know, went over what we would like. And part of that whole process was finding like land that we liked. So that whole time. And, you know, Jamie would keep in contact with us and, you know, what about this land?

What about this area? Stay away from there. That's lots of site work. So that was really useful. And then we ended up finding a piece of land where we built on now and yeah, like it just kind of all developed from there. And when 

Jaimi: we found the block, it was like, yeah, eight, nine months later. 

Aquilla: Yeah. I would probably say mid 2022.

Jaimi: Yeah. Yep. So we spent a bit of time making sure we found the right block. 

Aquilla: Yeah. Yeah, and it just all really, yeah, we took our time with that, which is good. And it's, it's good to know that it's not, you always won't find what you want, you know, when you're first looking, like it does take time as well. Yeah.

And we weren't in a rush, which helped, so. And then, yeah, and then after the land, then came the builder and then, you know, obviously we got the opportunity to do our custom design. Yes, the fun part. Yeah, the fun part. So I did have a pretty clear idea of what we wanted. And once that went through and the design came back, I was like, yep, that's it.

That's it. Yeah. Lock it in. Yeah, we didn't 

Jaimi: do many changes after 

Aquilla: we got it through, did we? No, no. I think there was one initial design and then I was like, I don't think that fits the space quite well. What about this? And then after that, it was just like, That's it. Don't change anything. Everything else was cosmetic.

Like, no structural changes. Nothing. Yeah. So, really hit it on the head. And then, yeah, like with everything, you know, we knew that we, we understood that Jamie had quite, you know, the intel within the building industry. And we were trusting in the builder that she provided us. Like, we didn't really second guess it, really.

No, yeah. And you like, would go on, you know, the website and stuff, and you're like, oh, who actually is it? No one's heard of them. And you're like, okay, well, this is good. And yeah, so it's proved to be like a good choice so far. Yeah, you're in your house now. Yeah. Happy with the builder? Yeah, of course. Yes.

Extremely happy. Good. Exactly everything we wanted. Well, I wanted. Yeah. Angelo had no say. He had a say. He just trusted me. Yeah. He knew I knew what was good for us. Yeah. That's a good way of 

Jaimi: putting it. Yeah. Yep. All right. What led you to work with a building broker over going with a builder 

Aquilla: directly? I can't really pinpoint the direct thing that just made me be like, go with a building broker because I work as like in a project delivery team for our council.

So Okay. I have lots of like people with experience and building experience around me. And I remember going to one of our senior officers and I'm like, have you ever heard about a building broker? And he's like, yeah, he goes, no, I've never heard of it, but you know, it could be the right thing. And I was like, yeah, I think I'm going to do it.

Like, you know, that was obviously based off our phone call and finding out exactly what it was. And main decision of going with a building broker was just because, you know, you hear all those stories about how, you know, going with project builders. Yeah. So um, I mean I think the thing is people want to just kind of pretty much take advantage of people in vulnerable situations when they just want to get in there home.

Yeah. It's a numbers game. Yeah. And we just wanted to avoid that, like we were like, what's that worth? You know, and even if we went into building broking, not understanding exactly what it was, you know, at least we've done that experience, but we'd rather have. I've gone into something trusting the experience, not knowing, then going with something and just probably ending up with like a really bad, poorly built house and you know, something that's not worth our money, which now in this, what would you say, time, it's very expensive.

Crazy market. Yeah. Crazy market. And that was also part of it as well, was like, we had to make that decision. Do we want to do it now? You know, are we going to wait? And I was like, I think we have to do it now. Yeah. You're lucky you did it when you did it. Cause it's, yeah. So that was around the time that we were just like, yeah, we're going to, we're going to go with it.

Fight the bullet. Yeah. Yeah. Deciding. 

Jaimi: Yeah. And what have been some of your highlights and key milestones in your journey so far? 

Aquilla: I would definitely say, you know, getting the design back. That was like, I, cause I am a person who likes to put my visions on a board and that's hung up in my room. And this particular design and things that we wanted, I.

Well, I would say I wanted in our house, Angelo just, you know, went along with it. We were like to do it more of an entertainer's thing. And that was like really important to us. He's got a huge group of friends, you know, like I've got friends, we love doing house things. And that was kind of like our intention and that getting back that design and like seeing all of that come together.

And we were like, this is sick, like this is going to work, you know, like all the things we wanted to do. Yeah. That fitted with our lifestyle. So that was one of the things I would say is getting back that design is like, Oh, it's real now. As well as probably the slab and getting the bricks because I remember getting back the schedule from, you know, the, the slight timeline of what, how things are going to carry out that year from the builder.

And I'm like, no way this is like happening so quick. So like we had a slab down. And then pretty much it was like, I think a few weeks later we had our bricks on there and, you know, obviously after the slab had cured, but yeah, I think those key milestones that were happening, like made it real. Yeah.

That's what made it real. And I feel like, you know, us having such a positive. It's experience building. It takes that away from some of the people, you know, who do have issues with this. So like we are lucky to look back and be like, yeah, this is like, we had such a great experience building with you guys and the builders.

We had our first dinner in there the other night. On the camp chairs eating angkongu jacks. Yeah, I love that. 

Jaimi: It's always take away on the floor on camp chairs. Yeah, 

Aquilla: literally. We're just sitting there and we're just like looking around and we're like, wow, this is crazy. So surreal. Yeah. And we're like, within a week, like we'll be here.

Cause we, like a bit of personal note, we currently live with both our parents, not far from each other, but we've always lived separately. Yeah. So it was just, you know, some people are like, oh, you want to live flat? Together first, if you know, but we're just like, when you know, you know. So 

Jaimi: it's even 

Aquilla: more exciting.

Yeah, it's so surreal. I'm like, I'm so glad I don't have to pack my bags anymore. Yes. So yeah, that's, yeah, I think that initial moment, probably eating our first dinner in there. Yeah. Oh, that's really surreal. Yeah, I like that. 

Jaimi: Yeah. And then what have you found the most challenging over your building journey and how did you handle 

Aquilla: it?

I think what I've found the most challenging and I think it's from hearing all the horror stories and hearing things that happen around you and I've got a really close friend of mine who has experienced a really, like has experienced a really bad, you know, process and building a house and you know, it's taken her three years.

to get into there and she's not quite there yet. So, you know, having a friend so close to you and you see what's going on, I think what was challenging is to put trust into builders. 

Jaimi: Yeah. And like block out the noise. Yes. 

Aquilla: Yeah. You're constantly questioning yourself, like. Are they doing the right thing for us or are they not?

Like, so you always have that in the back of your head, but just go in with the process and, you know, just everything's going to be fine. And, you know, so I think that was the most challenging, like all, all mental, mental game, I think. And yeah, nothing came to light. Nothing of that happened, you know, so it was just.

It was just reassuring ourselves that it was going to be fine. 

Jaimi: Yeah. It's hard. Building is a mental game. It's very emotional. Yeah. Putting a lot of money into it. There's a lot of noise out there. Yeah. There's a lot of crazy shit going on. And it's like, am I crazy? Who's crazy? Are they crazy? Yeah. What's going on?

Literally. Everything's all good. Trust the process. Yeah. But then you always have those doubts. Yeah. There's so 

Aquilla: much going on. Yeah, exactly. And I think as well, Absolutely. Absolutely. Like being part of the industry, you know, you'd ask a question to someone and they'll be like, Oh, make sure you, and you're like, Oh no, not another thing, like 

Jaimi: one thing leads to another.

Aquilla: So you just got to, I guess you've got to know what to ask. Just make your own assumptions and you know. Hopefully positive ones. Yep. 

Jaimi: I think you guys did a very good job of that. Like every time you were unsure, you always messaged us. You always asked, we asked the builder. You had everything documented.

You had everything recorded. You took pictures. Like all the right things that then help with that reassurance 

Aquilla: and a part of the process. And then having you guys there like, I don't even know. I don't even think, which is probably a bit bad. But I know you guys are, you know, would answer when you guys could.

But I'll just message like as soon as I had a question. I'll be like, Hey. What do you think about this? Or have a question about this? And like you guys were always there to like reassure us. So that was the most, like having that support throughout the whole build, that's literally what would have got us through.

Yeah. A hundred percent. Like, yeah, it's true. Um, because we were just like, we would like discuss between ourselves and I'll be like, Oh, I'm not sure. Who do we ask? 

Jaimi: Do we ask the builder or do we ask? Yeah. A cousin or a friend or a relative. Yeah. Which then you get their opinions. Exactly. That's what it is.

And then it opens a can of worms. It's opinions. And you're like, I didn't want 

Aquilla: to open that. Yeah. So close it again. Yeah. So anything, any doubt we had or anything, we'd just be like, if, even if we weren't sure what questions to ask or when to ask it at what stage, we'd always like message you guys and be like.

When should we do this? Or how should we do this? What should we say? And yeah. So that was really handy. Now, 

Jaimi: let's discuss some of your design and customization choices. I know this is your favorite part, so you have lots to say, um, can you share your thought process behind the design and some of your selections and how did you like pull your vision together?

You had a very clear vision 

Aquilla: too. Yeah. So I would describe my thought process about design very minimal, but luxury. Expensive on a budget, I'd say. Expensive but with a budget. Yeah. So it's just, it's just about knowing what you can do, what, how you can apply it and what your priorities are and what you're trying to achieve with your house.

So where you're willing to spend more money, um, as opposed to where you're not, but you know, still kind of thinking of how you can change the appearance of things, but still looking high end, but you know, not really. Not paying the price tag for it. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I'm very minimal, so I like minimal stuff.

Yeah. Nothing bright, no colours. Like, and I would describe it as a masculine colour. Like, that's kind of what the Pinterest board was all full of. So dark colours. The dark colours. Black, grey. Yeah, yeah. So it was black. So our kitchen came out as black and we did like a really dark walnut wood. Yeah, it looks beautiful.

Yeah, thank you. Um, paired with like a marble type bench top. Yeah. So that was one of the things where we wanted the focal of our house to be our kitchen. Yeah. Um, so that's where we chose to do a variation, do an upgrade, um, in our kitchen and that, cause that was a priority to us and, you know, to make that, um, space.

Like look inviting, but that expensive look on a budget and yeah, like I thought, you know, everything that kind of was in my design head, my, my process, Angela was just like on board with all of it. Um, yeah, he absolutely loved it. He actually chose the towel color. He chose 

Jaimi: the type of black. That's good. So yeah.

Some input. Yeah. 

Aquilla: Yeah. Yeah. He was really on board. I think it would be a different story if I was like, you know, put colors here, put colors there, you know, but he was very on board with what I had in mind. I think another lacquer design thing that we really wanted to do, um, was having that survery to the theater.

So obviously we. We chose to use most of the land for the house size, and we still have a decent backyard. Yeah. So we wanted to Kind of incorporate, okay, how can we not, you know, use up so much of the back space, like having an area where we need to put a TV outside, or we went with putting the surfery into the theatre, which then has a open, a gastrop window?

Yeah, gastrop. Gastrop window. That opens out to the backyard, so, you know, we love UFC, he loves soccer, like we envisioned having lots of, um, Saturdays and Sundays, like everyone come over, you know, we have feed. We open up the window and we all watch like what's going on in the theater. So, and you know, that's Survery, you know, Stone Top Survery.

And that was one of the things where I remember saying, I was like, Oh, I don't want that track in the middle. And then I remember that we were talking about, you know, no dirt to clean. And then Jamie's like, I'll sort it out. I've got it. I know what you're talking about. Yeah. That was one of the things. And that comes into your 

Jaimi: whole like entertaining vision of what was important to you 

Aquilla: guys and your lifestyle.

Exactly. So. One of the other design things we went with is having this like a functional scullery. So putting our dishwasher there and our like dishwashing sink, our bigger sink. So then that way we had more bench space for the main island bench and we just had a little vegetable sink in there as well.

And yeah, like I said, minimal. Was the goal. So we just kept the same tile throughout, the same wood throughout. So, you know, we'd keep our bathrooms the same. We changed the powder room cabinetry to suit the dark walnut and same with the laundry. So everything's really minimal, which allows us to, you know, if we do want to incorporate color or incorporate type of stone, yeah, we can do it in like different areas.

You know, like I've said, the powder room is going to be like a stone vibe. Yeah. So, you know, pebble mirror having like a stone, um, soap dispenser, a roll holder and like, um, yeah. So it's like different areas and yeah, that's just what we wanted. And you 

Jaimi: can change those things. Exactly. So you can cycle through different styles and different bits and pieces.

Whereas like if it's stuck in your cabinetry or on your wall, 


Aquilla: it's a little bit harder to change. And it's, yeah, like it's one of the timeless. Yeah. Type of, you know, minimal and the colors, like the masculine colors. So I mean, wood will never go out of date. Like that will always be a thing. So yeah. And same with black.

Black. You know, but yeah. Love it. It is a 

Jaimi: very good design. I can't wait to take pictures next week. Yeah. And come see it. Yeah. And what's something you have learnt over your building 

Aquilla: journey? I have learnt that you can't have everything. There is always a budget. Yeah, always a budget. And it's just about how you can fix it.

Also, you don't have to get everything done through the builder, you know, that was one of the things that we faced is. It's, you know, trying to save that money at the initial startup, you know, getting the builds to do things and versus what we can do ourself. So that was one of the things is that we chose to paint.

So get the hard thing out of the way of doing the ceiling, getting someone to do that and painting ourselves. Yeah. With help of course. Yeah. Like not everything needs to be done immediately. You know, people's circumstances are a lot different though. We were very lucky that we are able to live where we need to as much as we can before we move in and set up the house as much as we could.

Yeah. You don't have to rush in. Yeah. Yeah. So we were very lucky that we were in that circumstance, but yeah, like always look at your options, always compare, always take things for face value. So I'm very big on doing your research and understanding. What you're kind of going into, what things should be. I think part of that as well was continuously going on site.

So I kind of had that already instilled from my job. You know, doing inspections and always keeping on top of things. So that kind of helped as well. And I think, you know, sometimes people don't think that it's that important. Like you do leave it up to the experts, which you do. But there are so much things that, you know, you don't realize.

Yeah. Until they were on site. And, you know, we were very lucky that we, you know, made electrical changes that we needed to make at the, um, the brick stage when they were cutting in. So yeah, that's like, I would say it was like a really important thing and what we've learnt like through our building process.

And also get a building broker. That's a good tip. That's like, I would never, like, we literally, everyone that comes to us and they're like, oh yeah, we're going to build, like, who are you going through this and that, go to Jamie, go to Jamie. Building broker. Yeah, yeah. Like, honestly. I mean, of course, if you've got that experience and stuff, you don't need one.

You don't need one, but, like, if you have no idea, get one, honestly, get one. That's, yeah. 

Jaimi: That's a good piece of advice, which kind of leads us into our next question. A lot of people don't actually fully understand the role of a building broker. Can you explain how I helped you through your journey and what you found most valuable about having a building broker?


Aquilla: So at the start, I would say pretty much having you give us like you reassured us from the very beginning, I work for you. I don't work for the builder, which. I think, I'm not sure. I can't remember exactly if that was one of the questions I actually asked, like, how does that go? Or I think it was like a commission's ask.

Cause I was literally, this is what I did. Googled, what is a building broker and what questions do you ask them? That's good. You know, just to understand and say what you would do, you know, with the mortgage broker or, you know, so it's very similar and you reassuring us that, you know, what's going on obviously with your experience from building your house and things like that, you know, what's going on in the world, in the building world.

And you've got, you know, intel that will help us choose the right builders and you were very transparent about that as well. And of course you wouldn't want to put us on the bad foot, um, on a bad foot in the building process. So that was kind of one of the main things we dealt with Jamie for. Another thing is Recently I had one of my friends ask me, you know, what's the difference, basically, what's the difference between, you know, Jamie working, let's say, with me, for this instance, and I was to say I want to go with a project builder as opposed to someone that she recommends.

And I said the main reason why you want a building broker is So, you know, some people can look at it like, Oh, they, it's just, you know, they've getting them business and it's just business, but it's not really, because if you actually look down into the relationship between a builder and a building broker, if you had to go with a project builder, you know, they're so big and you don't really have.

That relationship as what Jamie would have with the builders that she works with on a regular. So it's all about relationship. Yeah. Yeah. And it's all, that's really what it is. And it's the same for like our job, like my job from where I work, it's all about relationships, how you communicate. And that's a really important thing that we kind of found out when we were going through our build process and going through a building broker.


Jaimi: It's even like when, was it your exhaust fans that we did show? Something happened with the exhaust fans and then like all it took was one phone call and a little favor and we got the exhaust fan change. It's very hard to do that if you don't have those connections, those 

Aquilla: relationships. Yeah. So there was.

There's like a bit of pull there. So, and you know, with saying that Jamie did reassure us at the beginning that yes, I work for you guys, but remember that I don't, during the build process, I don't have, you know, any type of authority and any type of, you know, to some extent, which we understood. And that's fair enough because it is our build, but that's where that relationship comes into play because.

It kind of beats that in a sense and yeah, and it's just also how business works. Like you do it through a relationship. You don't want to be an authoritative figure over something and then that doesn't create a good working relationship. So that's something that we learned, you know, going through this process.

And also a huge thing that, you know, I'm not very much on social media or, you know, sharing about the build process, you know, I see so many amazing Instagram profiles with all their houses. You know, they're constantly filming us just like, I'd love to do that, but I'm like, I don't have the time. Yeah. You know, you see that, but having Jamie on board, you know, the service that comes with having to engage is that she captures all those milestones for you.

So like, you know, from the initial, when we got our sold sticker, um, when we had our slab party, and then we've got the key handover thing next. Next week. Yeah. We would never take pictures. Like both me and Angela are not like that. Like we don't take pictures, we don't, you know, I'll do the occasional Instagram story and that's about it.

That's it. The initial, when we got our land, you know, that photos on my, my feed, but other than that, like, I think that's so important. It's so important to look back on it and just to be like, wow, like this is crazy. Like looking at the slab party when we were like popping the bottles and stuff, I was just like, yeah, that was so cool.

And I'm like. Like, to look at where we were there, we were so excited about that and then now we literally have our kids and like, you just compare the two, so I think that's a really good thing as well. I like that. Yeah. It's 

Jaimi: good to look back on those milestones. Yeah, it is. That's what I do them for.

They're so good. Yeah. Yeah, if you don't stop to take pictures and you just forget about it and all of a sudden you've got your keys and you're like, oh shit. Yeah. What happened there? Yeah. But now you've got beautiful memories to look back on. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Now that you have the keys to your home and you guys are going through the process of moving in and getting everything ready, what are some of the special moments and memories you're looking forward to creating in your home?

Aquilla: Well, first of all, living with my partner. Yeah. So that's something we're just extremely excited about. We just, you know, we're looking forward to this time, like it took us, you know, a whole year and a bit. Yeah. You add it all up. So that's one of them. And, you know, continuing our life, like it's a whole different thing now, you know, compared to what we were doing for the last three years.

So that's the main chapter. Yeah. Literally. Yeah. Um, so doing that. You know, he comes home from work and, you know, we're just there all the time. I don't need to leave to go home or to go home and study or, you know, so that's one of the main things that we are looking forward to. Another thing is having my girls night, having a cocktail night.

Cause I've always lived, like where I live now with my family, I have like two little nephews that stay with us as well. So my life has always been busy at home. So it's always been full, you know, I've always had, you know, I've got, um, siblings that come over from interstate and bring their kids. So, you know, when we've got those holidays happening, it's always full.

So. So one thing I can't wait is to have like my girls over, you know, and you know, we've got our own space and things like that. And also for me to be alone and, you know, yeah, yeah. That's probably the one of the major things as well as having like our friends over. So like I was mentioning before about that survey window, you know, just having people over watching the UFC, watching the games and Angelo would be the same.

Like he loved to entertain all his friends. That he, like he's really close with. So, you know, they would come over, no problem. And they'll all live down that area. Most of my friends live more around this area, Coburn, Armadale area and things like that. So I'm like, for the next, you know, 10, 000 years, you guys owe me those drives down.

You're staying at my house. Got a few spare rooms. Yeah, literally. Yeah. Pick it, make your pick. Yeah. Well, two of my best girlfriends, they were like, Oh, you know, we're going to choose how we're going to decorate our rooms. I was like, go ahead. Go. Free 

Jaimi: rein. 

Aquilla: So yeah, I think that's probably the main things that we're excited for, um, and eventually getting a dog together.

So yeah, that will probably come. Yeah. That's an after Europe thing. Yeah. Yeah. Those are the main things. Oh, 

Jaimi: I like them. They're good. Yeah. And now to wrap it up, if you were to give one piece of advice for other first homebuyers considering building, what would it be and why? 

Aquilla: This is not sponsored, but get a building broker.

Honestly, if you don't have someone. That is close enough to you that is willing to spend their time to look at your house. That's got the experience to do so. To look at your house, to tell you what's going on and to help you out. And it's not even all about that. Like, like I was saying before, it's about the relationships that you have with the builders as well.

So that's probably one of the main things that I would give advice. Always stay aware. Never assume. You never have any stupid questions. That's one thing that I would always kind of, you know, Oh, I don't want to be annoying or I don't want to do this. Always ask. Yeah, always ask. Like if it is stupid or you think it's stupid, no one cares.

Like you rather ask that question. And be informed, then just guess, you know, and then not be sure if something's done right or if you got what you wanted and so just, yeah, always speak up and always just stay aware, you know, stay informed of what's going on, especially around you, especially when you're choosing your builder, do your research, look at your options and understand that because that's probably one of the biggest things before you sign that contract.

But if you get a building broker, you don't have to worry about that. Help you with it all. 

Jaimi: Yeah, yeah. Oh, thank you so much for coming in. It was such a good episode. I feel like I had a lot of fun with you today and I can't wait for you guys to move in next week. And I also can't wait to come over and see it.

Yes. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for having me.

Thank you so much for tuning in to the home building like a boss podcast. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and learn something new. Remember, you've got this and I've got your back until next time. Stay inspired, and stay confident on your building journey. I can't wait to chat with you on the next episode.

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