Client Building Journey: Chloe 21 Single Female

β€’ Jaimi - Boss Building Brokers β€’ Episode 35

In this episode your host Jaimi sits down with Chloe who is a client to talk about her building journey as a young single female. 

🏑 Building as a single female   
🏑 Navigating the building process 
🏑 Key milestones 
🏑 Challenges 
🏑 What Chloe has learnt over the journey 
🏑 Advice for other single females looking at building 
🏑 Building V Established 

Tune in to hear Chloe’s amazing and inspiring story! 


πŸ“This podcast is for buyers building a new home in Perth Western Australia.

The information shared on HOME BUILDING LIKE A BOSS is general in nature and does not take into consideration your individual circumstances, it is not intended to be specific advice. This podcast exists purely for education purposes and should not be relied upon to make financial or building decisions. Tania Mondon is an authorised representative of Oui Finance Pty Ltd ABN: 48 655 648 098. Corporate Credit Representative Number 529363 is authorised under Australian Credit Licence Number 389328. Tania Mondon is also an MFAA member.

Jaimi: Welcome to Home Building Like a Boss, the podcast dedicated to helping first home buyers in Perth build their dream home with ease and excitement. I'm Jamie, your host and go to building broker. Are you ready to feel empowered, in control and excited about your building journey? I'll help guide you with expert advice, insider tips and tricks and real life stories to help you navigate the confusing world of home building.

Let's go. Tune in as I take you on the journey to building your home like a boss.

Welcome back to another episode of the podcast. This week, I am excited to have Chloe here. Chloe is a current client with me at the moment, and we're going to chat about her journey building as a single female. So welcome, Chloe. Hello. Hey, thank you for coming on. Would you be able to introduce yourself?

Tell us a little bit about yourself before 

Chloe: we get into it. Yeah, I'm Chloe, I'm 21. I'm building by myself. Luckily I've got Jamie. Haha, such a reach achievement. Yeah, I'm loving it. Building currently at lock up stage. Yep. So, going by really quickly. Yeah, it's flying by. Yeah, so, started the journey probably a year ago.

Was it January or February this year? Yeah, and then my slab went down in 30th of June. And yeah, I'm at lock up. Already at lock up. Line. Yeah, lock up September. So, so 

Jaimi: good. Yeah, amazing progress. Alright, building as a single female, did you find it confusing or challenging navigating the early stages of what to do and 

Chloe: where to start?

I honestly had no clue where to start. I was like, yeah, going into display homes, but then didn't want to go into them because I knew I wouldn't be able to afford. Yeah. Anything like that. Didn't know, seen all these horror stories of builds taking three years and people not being able to end up moving into them because they couldn't afford it.

Yep. Yeah, just didn't know where to start, was researching heaps of stuff and I came across your Instagram page. Yep. Yeah. Gave you a call, came in for a chat and it just like, yeah, just. The confusion went away because, yeah, you helped me out with literally everything. Perfect. 

Jaimi: That's good. No, that's exactly what I'm here for.

And it did happen quite like, hey, you came in and just kind of like happened so naturally from there that we just like kept progressing. And I can't believe it's been like, well, yeah, it's almost a year since we started in your past lockup. Yeah, really 

Chloe: easy. process just found the block and built it quite naturally and then went 

Jaimi: from there.

Yeah. And what inspired you to build and what led you to work with a building broker over going with a builder directly? 

Chloe: The biggest thing that I saw about building was I could make it my own. I could make all decisions myself. Yeah. And I also did take benefit and use of the government grants. Yeah, absolutely.

So that was like a big deciding factor, especially with finances. Just being me, I needed to be considerate of where I spent my money. So if I could save 10%, get the extra 10 grand. I did that, so, yeah. I saw all the, yeah, just the horror stories of people choosing wrong builders, and builders going in. to liquidation.

And yeah, I just didn't want to be stung by any of that. So if I could have someone who knew all about the industry to help me and be on my side, it was the best 

Jaimi: part of it. Good choice. I think so. And at the start, were you, you were tossing up between building and buying? How did you navigate that 

Chloe: process?

All the houses that I was looking at buying were just completely out of my price range or I would have to get like a two by one, not in the suburb that I was looking at. And I knew there was blocks for sale in the suburb that I was looking at. And yeah, when I contacted you. You sent over a few bucks and it was almost exactly what you wanted, what I wanted within a price range that was suited me.


Jaimi: yeah. And did you find like when you were tossing up between like your non negotiables, I guess, was location very important to you or more the build really important to you? 

Chloe: I think the biggest thing is location because I work FIFO. So I had to travel to the airport every week. So I didn't want to be hours from the airport or anything like that.

And obviously, I didn't want to compromise on the build either. Yeah. So I still wanted a bit of, bit of both. Yeah. So I got Finding that happy medium. Yeah. Perfect 

Jaimi: little balance. Yes. Yeah, exactly. From the start of the process, I know you've always said like your first home wasn't going to be your forever home.

Not a lot of people realize this at the start and they go into it as the first home is the forever home. How did you navigate this and like this process knowing that it was going to be your first home and to get your foot in the door. 

Chloe: Yeah. So the biggest thing was I knew the goal was just to get my foot in the door.

Once I have my first property, it will easier be easier transition. To move in more of my dream home. Yep. But I think with building, especially with the leader, I had so many options that were included in the standard package that made it like more of a luxury home. So it was, I still love my house and if I did stay in this house forever, I would probably still love it.

Yep. But I knew that it wasn't like, it's not the end. Yep. Like it's just, just a foot in the door and I can move on. And like, I'm only 21, so if I stay in this house for 10 years, grow some equity in the house, and then I can move on, move on to the next one. So amazing. 

Jaimi: And like, to have that mindset and mind frame going into it as well, not a lot of people have that.

And yeah, at 21, if you build again in or whatever, build by in 10 years, 31. Like a lot of people are doing that now as their first home. So you should be 

Chloe: really proud of that. Yeah. 

Jaimi: What have been some of the highlights and key milestones in your journey so far? 

Chloe: I think the biggest thing was when I first started being able to choose everything, like everyone reached out to you for help on different design things.

And we got some like the non negotiables put in and Things that I didn't even think about, that I was like, oh, yeah, that's a really good idea. And yeah, I got to choose literally everything that went into my house and watching it being from paper to actually being in real life is like the coolest thing.

Jaimi: Yeah, it is so cool, isn't it? You can just see your dream and your vision come to life. Yeah, 

Chloe: exactly. Like, yeah, my Countertops just got put in and it's just like absolutely amazing to see them in full instead of just a little tile. A little like 

Jaimi: selection piece and tile, a three star. Yeah. What were some of the things that you didn't think of that we added in, if you can remember?

I think 

Chloe: the big one was the nib wall. Ah yes, 

Jaimi: love a nib 

Chloe: wall. So you recommended that and then I spoke to my mum about it. She was like, yes, because cleaning that tiny little gap is worse. So yeah, I was like, didn't really. I don't necessarily think of that because it's my first home. Yeah. Yeah. And if you don't know, you don't know.

And the recess underneath my benchtops, I'm short. So I didn't think of that. Yes. Tall people obviously need to stand closer. Yeah. You've got bigger feet. So that was one thing I didn't think about. Yeah. 

Jaimi: With building, there's ups and there's downs on the journey. What have you found the most challenging part of your journey and how did you handle it?

Chloe: Probably like the scariness. Yeah. But this is just the case of the finances by myself. Like, obviously, it's still scary handing over that amount of money, but you always have someone else's finances to rely on as well. By myself is if I lose my job tomorrow, it's only me. Like, I just had to knew that I was in a position now that I have a pretty job security, that it's now or there's never a good time really.

No. So, I just Yeah. I just took the leap. Yeah. Made the, what's all the money? Leave my account. That's the worst part. Yeah. Hardest part about it. But yeah, it was, it's so worth it. Yeah. Like just seeing everything come, come to life and seeing the bill go up and it's not just hard work. Yeah. It's not just a piece of sand anymore.

Yeah. It's an actual house. Actual house. Yeah. 

Jaimi: So good. Yeah, how do you feel, like, obviously before taking that leap as a single female is scary, how do you feel now that you've taken the leap? And is there, like, any advice you would give to someone else listening who's a single female unsure whether to take 

Chloe: the leap?

Honestly, I think it's the best decision I've ever made. I know some of my friends who have similar savings to me. Yeah. And they've traveled and they've had the time of their life traveling, sure they have memories. But I have a solid house. Yeah. I will always have this house now if I want it. Yeah. So, yeah, just leaving, like, sacrificing that money now is going to be so worth it in the future.

And I have something to call my own. So it's so worth it. It makes me so happy that I, yeah, at 21 I have a house. It's just crazy. So 

Jaimi: amazing. Yeah. So good. You can hear it in your voice. Yeah. What is something that you've learnt over your building journey? I think 

Chloe: the biggest thing I've learnt is That building isn't as scary as everyone makes it out to seem.

Like, obviously, you hear all these stories about builders going into liquidation, people ending up with not finished houses, or it taking four years for these houses to be built, whatever like that. But, if you choose the right building company and go with a solid company, it's so rewarding. Like, the house is actually there.

It's solid, it's good quality, like it's not, it's not as scary as everyone makes it out to seem. Like, so many people when I tell them I'm building, they're like, why would you do that? You're not going to have a house forever, why wouldn't you just buy? And I'm like, I've had a good experience, like I did my research, had a good team to help me out with things.


Jaimi: it's hard because all the negative does. positive and there is positive in the building industry, but the negative outweighs that positive. And that's all that people talk about. And the first thing always is, is yeah. Why are you building, why are you doing that? Just buy, it was also hard to buy in this 

Chloe: market.


Jaimi: even like now I have a lot of new clients and they're like, I've been looking for six months. I'm just trying to buy and I can't do it so I'm looking at building and it's like, yeah, cause there's so many people looking to buy because no one wants to build, but it's not that scary to build. 

Chloe: And like, if I wasn't to build, I would probably have to go rent somewhere and then I'm just paying someone else's mortgage instead of actually putting it towards.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 

Jaimi: So you're moving out of parents straight into your first home. 

Chloe: Yes. Yeah. So no renting. No renting. That is so good. Yeah. I'm very, very lucky that my parents have let me stay in their house until my house has been built. Yeah. But yeah, extremely lucky for that, 

Jaimi: so. You've done the right thing, because yeah, why would you go rent and pay someone else's mortgage when you can build or buy for the people who want to buy, and pay your own mortgage 

Chloe: off and have your own?

Exactly. Like I've made so much sacrifices, like I I don't go out often, I like put all, pretty much 90 percent of my wage in like, I have 10 percent of a splurge, but 90 percent of it goes to my essentials and saving, so yeah, that's how I was managed to, just from the age of, what, 14 when I got my first job, I saved, so.

So good. 

Jaimi: Worth it now. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, you have to do sacrifices in life to do certain things, and then. Eventually you'll be out, it'll outweigh itself and then you'll be able to splurge, you know, in Exactly. Whenever you want next because you've done all the hard yards and the savings. As long as you pay the mortgage then splurge for the rest.

I'm ready to go 

Chloe: out. I can just have my friends over to 

Jaimi: my house. Exactly. It's cheaper that way with drinks anyway. All right, so a lot of people don't fully understand the role of a building broker. Can you explain how I helped you through your journey and what you found most valuable about having a building 

Chloe: broker?

So the first thing that was like extremely valuable, you helped me with my finances. So you did that first initial finance check, helped me establish my budget and what I could start looking at. And then, yeah, you sent me a whole bunch of blocks to go look at. I physically drove, drove to them, looked at where they were.

The best way to do it. I think within two days after I was speaking, I found my blog. So that was, that was pretty cool. And then you obviously had all the insider knowledge of all the builders. So I had kind of had a few ideas of. The builders that I was looking at, but didn't really know much about them, much about their current projects and whatever.

And yeah, you helped me find Levita. Yep. And then we had that initial consult before my pre start. Mm hmm. Helped with all the designs. When I got my original plans, we're constantly back and forth on WhatsApp changing all of them. Customizing everything. Yeah. I work FIFO, so it's really hard. To be able to have constant meetings with people.

Yeah. So everything over WhatsApp was just amazing because I could reply when I could. Yeah. In the middle of the night. Yeah. Whenever. 

Jaimi: And it's so handy not doing it over email. Like it's just so much less formal than emails and you can just quickly reply. Whereas like you look at an email and you're like, I'll do that later and then you don't do it.

I have 

Chloe: ADHD. So as soon as I just forget. Yeah. And yeah, I hate the form formality of emails. So being on WhatsApp, we could just. Text back and forth. It was just casual. Yeah. Texting a mate. Sending files to each other. Yeah. Just back and forth. And then, yeah, we got majority of it set out, a few big changes with the designs set out before I went to pre start.

Yeah. Um, we went for my building permit and stuff for finance. Yep. So a lot of the big changes went on my mortgage instead of having to pay up front after pre start. And then yeah, I went to pre start and even my pre start consultant was like, this was the easiest pre start I've ever done. I just had everything already chosen.

And yeah, with Levita, it was really handy because they sent all of their, where all their products are from. Yep. So I physically could go to like Trevor's carpet and pick my flooring and physically see it in person. Yep. So that was amazing. Yeah. And then, yeah, you had all of the samples here as well. So we can look at them and look at them all together.

Jaimi: Make sure it was all what, exactly what you wanted. Yeah, exactly. Yep. How did you navigate your pre start bill and your pre start budget? Did you end up quite a lot over what you expected? Or, was it what you expected? 

Chloe: It was a tiny little bit more than I expected. It, my pre sight. Which always happens. Yeah.

My pre sight bill was six grand. Yeah. So quite a bit cheaper than everyone else's pre sight. Oh yeah. Everyone 

Jaimi: else's is like twenty to seventy grand. Yeah. 

Chloe: So, yeah, with you guys, we went through everything and it was a, do we put it in now or do I do it after the bill? Yeah. And we worked it out that. A lot of the stuff would be cheaper to make the sacrifice to pay now than it would be after the build.

The thing I think I blew the budget out was with all the electrical side of things. Oh yeah, it would have been two to three grand easy. Yeah, putting all the lights on the front of my house, because obviously being a single female I wanted all the security. Yep. Security features. So, yeah, that was It was quite a bit of the, and I splurged on the top of the range stone bench top.

So I think that was a bit of, blew my budget out. It was, it was worth it, but yeah, 60 grand for a pre start bill. It's still not much. And I've got wooden floors throughout my whole house. Yeah. All the black, black handles, black door handles, black taps, just, yeah, yeah, you had a 

Jaimi: pretty good spec. Like we went for a high spec than the bottom spec.

So a lot of your inclusions are included in your finance and your budget. Yeah, exactly. Aircon. Yes, aircon. If you were to give one piece of advice to another. So if you were a single female looking at building, what would it be? Contact 

Chloe: Jamie. 

Jaimi: That's a good one. 

Chloe: But that's like, if you don't ask the question, you're not going to know.

Yeah. Like I sat probably with my ex, I looked at building and it was just the constant didn't know, wasn't sure. And then when I was single, I was just asked the question. Why not? Like, what's, what's the worst thing that's going to happen if you ask? Yeah, exactly. And yeah, I just found out that it was achievable for me to do by myself.

Like, you wouldn't think at the age of 21, even, or just by yourself, that you could do something like building a house. But if you don't ask, you don't know. Yeah, yeah, exactly. 

Jaimi: And when you ask questions, like, you get like a wrong vibe of people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your thing about, like, just ask the question, just see if it's 

Chloe: achievable.

Yeah, and like, when I asked you, like, the question, would I be able to build by myself, you did the finance checks, you just, like, gave me complete confidence. And encouragement to do it, just to go out and do it by myself. Like there was no doubts from your behalf? Yeah, or from like the mortgage broker's behalf on whether I would be able to do it or not.

You guys just gave complete confidence and encouragement just to go out there, achieve it and do it by yourself. So, oh 

Jaimi: good. I didn't even know that I did that. . And yeah, I guess that's what helps with like, especially. Building as a single female having that support and that right team and the people to push you Essentially so you you can do it because it is scary.


Chloe: it's daunting when I first contacted you I was fully expecting you to be like come back in a year or come back in a couple of years Yeah, and then we'll talk about it, but you were like Of course, like let's do this now. And I was like, okay, oh shit. I didn't expect that. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, it was just like the complete confidence boost that I needed to actually go out and just talk by myself.


Jaimi: Amazing. Well, thank you so much for coming in today and joining me on this episode. 

Chloe: Yeah. I think 

Jaimi: that wraps us up for today.

Thank you so much for tuning in to the home building like a boss podcast. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and learn something new. Remember, you've got this and I've got your back until next time. Stay inspired, stay informed and stay confident on your building journey. I can't wait to chat with you on the next episode.

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